Something I spent a lot of my time worrying about earlier on in life was my purpose.
As cliche as it was, I had no clue what I wanted to do as a career.
Until I was 18, I never really thought about it, I just went with the flow.
For a great deal of us, no matter how old we are struggling to find that purpose and passion that we want to pursue.
That is completely fine, as everybody is moving at different paces and are on different journeys to each other.
You might go from job to job, and you may even work some dead-end jobs on your way too.
However, the one thing I have learned is that as you grow and get older, you learn more about yourself.
So today, in this post, I want to shed light on seven unique ways that I have found that will help you find your purpose.
Table of Contents
1. Dropping Social Media
This one took me a while to figure out, and that is dropping social media.
Now don’t get me wrong it has its positives.
You can message your mates, see what other people are up to, and whats going on in the world.
However, while those aspects are cool, some negative aspects to it outweigh them.
Nowadays its become a place where people influence others, tell you what you should and should not be doing, and practically numbs your brain.
And what I mean by that is when you see other people doing stuff, it makes you feel like you not doing enough yourself.
That’s being brainwashed into thinking that ‘happiness’ is through what you’re seeing.
That will steer you off as you will doubt yourself numerous times.
Which isn’t good for your mental wellbeing and may cause you to get depression as it did with me.
But once you delete social media, and I am talking more about the news feed side of the platforms, it helps you.
You start concentrating on yourself, and you also stop caring about other people’s opinions.
The only opinion that really matters is yours owns.
2. Cutting Negative People Out
That is to those people who don’t believe in your grind or think you are doing the wrong thing.
For me, there is a difference between helping someone and giving advice and just telling someone what to do.
As you can imagine, I dealt with this a lot early on.
When I made a website, people I knew weren’t on board as it wasn’t the norm.
I had friends of the family telling me I need to get with it and get a real job.
Now while I knew getting a 9 to 5 was the easy option, the negativity made me more motivated to give more to what I was pursuing.
When you have people telling you what direction to take with your life, you will struggle to focus on what you want.
For instance, back when I was in my final year of college, all of my mates were keen on going to University.
I wasn’t so sure as looking back. I never enjoyed studying sport, so I thought it would be silly to do another three years then studying it.
But what I felt at the time was pressure to do the done thing, and that was going to Uni.
Some people made me feel that if I didn’t do what everyone else was doing that I would be left behind.
So I even went as far as to apply for further education even though I knew that wasn’t going to help me find my purpose.
Now I am happy I made the right decision, as pursing my online business over going to University was what I wanted to do.
Just to conclude, the point I’m making is if you have people trying to tell you how to live your life, they are only going to deter you instead of help you find your purpose.
That is easier said than done, but stopping your addictions can clear your mind fog and open up your mind.
For years I struggled with addictions. That includes social media and gambling.
Both of which consumed my life to the point where if I wanted to do anything else, there would be little time to do it.
Now a lot of people can argue that Social media is normal after all-around 3.6 million people are expected to use social media in 2020.
But the problem is I was so addicted that my life revolved around them.
So if I wanted to find my purpose, I had no chance as I was too busy following other people’s lives.
When I stopped, I found myself motivated more than ever to make myself the best version possible.
I wanted to go out more and even took up new hobbies along the way.
Just to touch upon the other addiction gambling.
This one was a dangerous one that I had compulsive urges towards.
However, it’s been six months since I stopped, and just like Social media as helped me become freer.
Not only are addictions are unhealthy, but they are time-consuming.
Which is why I recommend trying to break away from them.
What I recommend is looking at your lifestyle right now and see if you can find something that you are doing too much off.
Because just vowing to drop one will give you the mental clarity you need to focus on finding your purpose.
4. Don’t Sit Back And Coast
What I often see nowadays is people sitting back and waiting almost.
Waiting for the opportunity to come to them.
However, if there is one thing that I have learned, is nothing comes to you.
When I started my first website years ago, I went into it half-hearted.
I would procrastinate too much, and I would make excuses not to do the work.
I guess you could say I was sluggish. But that is in the past.
But here is how it’s related to you and your purpose.
If you sit back, don’t work on anything, don’t try to better yourself. How do you ever expect to grow and find your purpose?
Watching Netflix is too easy, and so is binging on junk.
But if you think you can take the easy way out, then your in for a long ride.
I have had discussions with people, in particular young adults who nine times out of 10 say they don’t know what to do.
That is somewhat backed up by this study that shows the percentages of teens looking for jobs in specific fields is dropping.
However, at the same time, spend days binging TV in their room.
Not only is that not going to get you anywhere as it’s basically coasting.
It’s just putting your journey to finding your purpose on a halt.
Strive Towards Your Purpose
If you are feeling stuck and want to find your purpose, these ways will help.
These are all steps I have taken in my life to help me see clearer, and I have to say it is a game-changer.
Try and implement them and see if you notice any changes for yourself.
If this post as helped you then do make sure to share it and also leave a comment if you have a input you want to add.
Very well written. Great advice people can use to become better people. Great work.
Thanks Andre! 🙂