I’m sure you already know that having the right mindset is detrimental to your success.
It can be the difference to whether you spend your life succeeding or failing over and over again.
Now don’t get me wrong failing is all part of the process. Without it, you wouldn’t be able to improve as a person.
But if you approach everything with the wrong mindset, then the odds of achieving your goals will drop massively.
When I started on my journey in online business, I would always have my mentor saying how I needed to fix my mindset.
I wanted to succeed then. I wanted to see results in a week.
Looking back, I was naive, and clearly, I didn’t understand what creating a business entailed.
Building something from the ground doesn’t take a few hours; it takes hours, days, months, and sometimes years.
So this negative mindset of putting in some work, not being consistent.
Then blaming everything around me because I wasn’t making any money was wasting my time.
Every day I became frustrated telling myself I am not going to succeed and that this wasn’t for me. I also thought that, indeed, If I were to make money, I would have made it by now.
Wrong, wrong, wrong.
All of this and the thoughts in my head were wrong. I was just viewing it all with the wrong mindset.
Looking back, I can’t believe I viewed things the way I did.
So if you are in the same position, I urge you to change your mindset.
That way you don’t wais time as I did in the early stages.
In this post, I will talk to you about the mindset you must have to succeed and how to make that change.
Table of Contents
What Does Having A Mindset Mean?
Everyone will have there own view on what having a mindset means. For me having a positive attitude consists of:
- Viewing failures as a chance to improve, the sooner you make them, the sooner you can fix them. These will happen naturally, so don’t fail on purpose if that makes sense.
- Having a positive outlook on everything and not treating anything negatively.
- Believing in yourself (This one is a big one!)
Ultimately though several things make up a good mindset, someone’s perspective, in general, is shaped by how they are brought up.
Two mindsets exist that people show.
You have the growth mindset, which consists of those who believe that nothing is out of there realms and that if they put there mind to it, they can achieve what they want too.
On the other hand, the different type of mindset is called the fixed mindset, which contrary to the growth one people who have this one believe that there are limits to what they can achieve.
The good thing, though, is that while people are brought up with one or two of those mindsets, you can change and adapt.
So if you currently have a fixed mindset, you can change to the growth one.
That is something I have noticed over the years is that people either have that mindset to do anything to succeed and achieve goals or would first settle for what is considered normal.
Its completely normal, as everyone has a right to live their life the way they want too.
But I have had people contact me saying how they have coasted for years and that something has changed in them that they now want to after life and achieve more than average.
So if you are someone reading this thinking its too late to change your mindset and start chasing your goals, it will be reassuring to you to hear that it’s never too late.
How I Changed My Mindset For The Better
I haven’t always had the same mindset as I had now.
Back in school, I had entrepreneur senses, in that I would find ways to make money at school.
Whether that was through selling candy or video games.
But until my last year of school, I was content to play video games all day and sleep in late.
That was then something clicked, and I’m not sure what triggered it.
But it made me think, is this what I want to do for the rest of my life.
What do I actually want to achieve?
So this is when I set out on this journey and intending to build something for myself.
However, while I wanted to make something happen for myself, my mindset still kind of sucked.
At the start, I wasn’t willing to put in the hours, and I wanted to see everything, just work straight away.
I also wanted to see my time translated into some kind of reward.
Similar to a job where you are getting paid for everything you do.
But how it is an entrepreneur, you will need to sacrifice a lot of time and effort at the start.
You won’t get anything back, not straightaway. That is just how it is.
I just didn’t get it.
Changing My Outlooks And Mindset
So this is when I changed my outlooks.
Turning my short term goals into long term ones.
I had all these goals I want to make x amount of money by next month.
And then x amount by the month after.
But here came the big change of that instead of focusing on money.
I said to myself lets give this a year of just knuckling down and working
Putting all those money goals to one side.
As after all, that is not going to help as it will just demotivate me if I don’t reach one of those financial goals.
And it worked.
The results, well they were noticeable, I was finally able to make money albeit a little,
But none of this would have happened if I hadn’t stopped focusing on it.
So this mindset change was a big one that helped me massively.
Which, along with the other game-changer that happened to me that I will mention a little later, helped me to have the correct mindset to succeed.
Now, as you see, this was a big change as when a lot of people want to achieve something they want to see instant results.
That is the reason why people who want to make money go straight to employed work.
As it’s the quickest way to earn, the only issue is that to continue making money they have to carry on working.
Its also not entirely there fault as they may not be aware of the other opportunities out there.
Early on though that is one of the factors that spurred me on.
I wanted to be different and I didn’t want to trade my hours for an hourly rate.
This is why I took the decision to pursue an online business instead of going to the University route.
I wanted to achieve something for myself whether my fate and whether I eat was in other people’s hands and not mine. Hence why I started my online venture.
The Urge To Grow
One of the big mindset changes is having that urge to grow.
As an entrepreneur, you acquire this mentality never to be content with what you have.
If you have made $1 million a year and have worked years to get to that milestone, you will want to make $10 million then a year.
That is one thing I have noticed since earning my first dollars online is the urge to grow and not to settle.
From the day I started with my businesses, something that has stayed ever present is those who doubted me and told me why I am doing what I am doing.
‘Why can’t I just be normal and get a proper job?’
Not only did this tell me a lot about them, but it also heavily motivated me to prove them wrong and grow as both an entrepreneur and a person.
So whenever I feel unmotivated, I remember those who doubted me, and it gives me this massive urge to get back on track.
Having The Drive To Succeed
A lot of people say that for some people who are successful that it was a coincidence.
Everything fell into place and that they may have got lucky.
However, I see it from another view.
Because of studying successful people, one thing that stands out is there drive and there perception of life.
The reason they have got to the position they are in is that they have put in the hours to get where they are.
They remind themselves of the goals they are aiming for, and that helps there drive to succeed.
Getting A Mentor Is A Gamechanger
Now I’m going to put on a limb to say without my mentor who I managed to get in contact with during my journey, and I probably wouldn’t be in the situation I am in now.
What I mean by this is I spent years going about my businesses with the wrong outlooks and mindsets.
I was essentially working towards nothing, but that was due to the way I viewed it.
I grew frustrated because I would look at my past goals and how I hadn’t achieved them. What I would do is dwell on them.
It was a repeated cycle of getting up in the morning to work, but then immediately feeling drained and burned out because I would go back in time in my mind.
Before you know it, its time for bed, and I have got little to nothing done.
Huge waste.
That was before I got in touch with my current mentor.
I initially reached out to him for work funnily enough.
But from exchanging messages, he offered to help me with my sites as they were underperforming at the time. I explained how I had put in so work but was not seeing any results.
Being someone successful online, he showed me where I was going wrong.
And as no surprise, the main factor he saw was my mindset, which was wrong.
At the time, I believed that I was entitled considering the hours I had put in to be making a certain amount (which was wrong as nothing is guaranteed).
I was also unwilling to learn and was not learning from my mistakes.
The first site I ever made got some early success however fell off.
However, instead of trying to see what wasn’t working, I continued what I was doing.
The bottom line is, though, is that this mentor showed me where I was going wrong, which were areas of myself I was yet to see.
Getting an outsiders view is a great idea, so if your someone who is feeling lost, then getting a mentor is a smart move to make.
Making That Change To Your Mindset
It’s not easy, especially if you doubt yourself and think that you have no potential.
However, it’s about putting that to one side and just believing in yourself as there isn’t a goal out of your site.
Since you are here now, it tells me that you can recognize that you can achieve more, so it’s all about going after it.
It’s not easy at the start, however, when you train your mind to think positively, long term, and to not let any obstacle deter you from the goal you are trying to achieve, it is more than doable.
So if you wanting to know what mindset you need then this is a good example of a mindset you should have.