When it comes to earning money in general, and maybe hard to comprehend the idea that you could get paid to do nothing.
If you told someone, they could set up a business and do absolutely zilch.
They likely wouldn’t believe it.
However, now we’re in a time and age where the rise of online businesses means you can create something while taking a step back.
Essentially meaning if you are willing to put in some work early on, you can reap the bonuses in the form of having days where you can do nothing and still get paid.
But the question is, how exactly can someone like yourself get in a position where you are having days of earning $100’s all while not having even to leave your bed.
In this post, I am going to take you through how I created an online business that allows me to earn money in my sleep.
As well as some great endeavours you can pursue online that will help you achieve just that.
Table of Contents
Discovering Passive Income Opportunities
There are many ways to build $100 a day, but most of them will require you to work hours.
So while you could end a day with that amount in your back pocket.
It will be far from easy and will still require you to invest time.
When I first embarked on the internet world, the idea initially for me was to find a way to earn money on my own terms.
I wanted the freedom to earn when I wanted without a boss in my back ear telling me when and what to do.
First, I completed surveys and testing tasks, and from it, I was able to make a couple of dollars each day.
This was cool, as I was able to do them when I felt like it while also making a part-time income.
However, after a short while of doing these, I realised that while I could do them with Netflix in the background.
That to keep earning, I would need to keep on doing these extra income tasks.
Which was something I wasn’t keen on doing for years and wasn’t in line with my goals.
It essentially enabled me to get my feet wet in the online world.
So after doing more research, I started to come across opportunities, which offer more of a passive income.
What this means is that you can earn money on a passive nature.
You essentially set it up and maintain it, so you don’t have to put in long hours each day,
Now, of course, the idea of passive income and earning $100 while doing nothing all sounds great.
But to get to that point, you first need to discover a way to achieve it and, from there, build it up to a point where it is passive.
5 Ways To Make $100 While Doing Nothing
Online you have many ways in which you can generate $100 by doing nothing.
Some of the ways I will take you through here will allow you to do so.
However, they do require time in the beginning.
There is no switch or overnight success, and while, like I said, making lots of money in a day is possible fast.
You won’t be able to work one day and then be able to earn thousands each month for the next year without doing anything.
So without further ado, let’s get into the list.
1. Blogging
One of the best ways to generate money online each day without doing anything is through blogging.
Blogging has become quite popular and with some people making 6 and even 7 figures a month through it.
You can certainly see where the attraction is and why more people are making websites to blog themselves.
While knowing some were earning millions from their blog was encouraging me to start one.
I became very interested in the lifestyle and the idea of owning something that brings in money.
All while you can pick and choose not only the days you work but also the content you write.
That is because, with blogging, you can pick an interest of yours and then use it to build a website around and blog about.
While that all sounds nice, I don’t want to sugarcoat it completely.
As blogging isn’t something you can pick up today and earn money by the next day.
It takes weeks, months and for some people, years to build a blog to a point where it proves dividend.
A quick search of ‘blogging’ into Google will show you many sites run by people who are earning hundreds of dollars through a variety of different ways.
Likely daily and without needing to work much or even at all.
However, it takes patience and consistency over months.
So if the $100+ payouts appeal, unfortunately, you will have to do a lot of work early on.
Once everything is set up, and you have built a good foundation, you can easily scale up while earning through a passion of yours.
If you are interested in learning more about blogging for a living, this post will talk you through how to get started.
2. Becoming A Content Creator On YouTube
YouTube has come up leaps and bounds over the past 10 years.
It has become a platform great for people who want to wind down to their favourite creator in the evening.
But also an attractive opportunity for entrepreneurs for content creators.
By creating videos, people have a way of earning full-time incomes through utilizing the advertising model.
If you like the idea of making videos, aren’t shy in front of the camera and have something to bring to the table.
Whether that be educating people in some area or providing some entertainment, then YouTube is something to seriously consider.
You will, though, need to be wary of a few things, which is very similar to blogging.
Like blogging, it can take a while to build a fan base on YouTube and even get to a point where you are eligible to earn ad revenue from videos you make.
However, through yet again consistent content production, growing a channel becomes inevitable, resulting in you being able to make full-time incomes online.
Even with days where you don’t feel very motivated to create videos.
3. Creating Apps
If you want days where you are making hundreds of dollars, then one industry to tap into is apps.
Apps have been making shed loads of money since the creation of the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.
With billions of people downloading them on their phones.
With it being a billion-dollar industry, you can be sure there is money to be made.
Just take recent phenomenon TikTok who have acquired 1 billion installs in 6 years and are set to make $34.3 million in revenue for 2021.
So it’s safe to say the money is there to be made.
You just need to find that idea that is unique and helps someone in some way or another.
Whether that be a tool to help them get through the day or a game to help them kill time too.
Now along with trying to come up with something unique, you will also need to factor in monetising it.
This is crucial as while you may be able to make money, that makes its way onto peoples phones.
If it can’t be monetized, you won’t be able to make money.
Get this aspect and the advertising of the game right, though, and you will be on your way to making $100 without needing to work.
4. Growing A TikTok
TikTok took the world by storm a few years ago with an app where users can share short-form content.
While it has become a very entertaining app, it’s one that’s become popular among teenagers who want to make money online.
With teens not only making $100’s of dollars a day from it, but also ridiculous amounts of money within the millions.
Now thanks to the algorithm, which pushes content to users based on not only what they follow but are interested in, it opens a gateway for people to a build brand on the platform.
Some of the top creators of which have close to 100 million followers.
From this, people are therefore leveraging it to build a name on other platforms.
Which in turn helps them create multiple streams of passive income.
E.g. you have sponsorship deals, you also have merchandise which is quite common nowadays.
So while the competition is growing on the app for new creators with every day that passes.
It’s proven to be one of the fastest platforms to grow on.
5. Leveraging Instagram’s Platform
When it comes to building passive incomes online, Instagram has grown to cater for content creators.
Now, if you can find a way to create content that helps grow your audience.
Then it’s more than possible to make $100 a day without doing anything but uploading photos.
For creators on the platform who can get a good following, they can utilize it by selling or promoting something of interest to them.
One of the reasons why people prioritize Instagram is because of how diverse the income streams can be.
You can earn through selling products via the new shop link, whether your own products on Shopify or through Affiliate Marketing.
Having a targeted audience can also attract the attention of brands who want to sponsor you.
This can generate good money on its own, and with well-known superstars such as Cristiano Ronaldo getting as much as $1 million per post, there is much potential.
There is even a feature with the bios, where you can place your own links and promote any product/service you want there.
All in all, Instagram had to be on this list, as there is so much potential to earn bags of passive income.
Above is a list of opportunities you can get involved to build something to a point where you can earn $100 and even more a day by doing nothing.
The work part will come first, as with not only what I have listed above but most online opportunities that give you a way to earn passive income. You will need to put in hours first.
However, when you do this, those days of chilling in front of the TV or just doing whatever you please while you still earn money will come around.
If you have any questions or even a way of earning passive income that ought to be on the list, do let me know below 🙂