When I first started blogging a number of years ago, I never even considered the idea that I could do it for a living.
Being still in college, I only saw it as something to do and potentially a way to earn some money on the side.
However from all these years of blogging, not only have I been able to make a living from doing so.
But I have also come to realize (which came within the first year of blogging) how powerful it can be.
Now what I find funny, is that some people have distorted views on the craft.
They may see it as something maybe only stay at home mums do or just something to talk about whatever is on your mind.
And while I did think like that for a while.
My mentality and views on blogging started to change as I realized it simply wasn’t the case.
Blogging is so big and there are tons of opportunities within, that opens doors to the potential of earning big money.
However, can you become rich from doing it?
While you may have heard of someone boasting some five or six-figure monthly sum, is it real and can it be achieved through just blogging?
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What Even Is Blogging?
So Blogging is having a website where you write whatever you want on it.
You can write blogs about what is going on in your daily life, interests of yours, essentially practically anything.
With over 600 million blogs online, there are many people currently doing this, which is getting higher with every day that passes.
Of these blogs, you will find those that do it all by themselves.
But you will also have your big businesses who run a blog and therefore blog frequently like your news websites.
However what this says is that anyone can do it, and as long as you have something to talk about, which shouldn’t be too hard to find you can get involved in blogging too.
Can You Become Rich From Doing It?
Technically anyone can get rich from blogging, and while I said earlier that its writing the content that you want to write.
Doing so and going about it right, can make you rich.
This may be hard to believe, however with blogging its quite powerful.
With over 4.66 Billion users on the internet, you are able to leverage it to your advantage, to build an audience that you can then monetize.
You can use something called affiliate marketing, where you promote products to people who have an interest in what your writing about.
There is the option to advertise on your site, where you have ads within your content, which if you have a consistent stream of traffic can provide that passive income.
One of the most popular things people do to become rich from blogging is by creating courses.
Doing so can make amounts of $100,000 a year.
Some people have been able to make 7 figures from doing so alone, a good example would be blogger Michelle who owns the Making Sense Of Cents blog.
However, when it comes to blogging, and just like with Michelle, you can do multiple things that can help you become rich through it.
Combining different income sources, a few of which I listed above, can easily get you to a 6/7 figure income through blogging.
I won’t sit here writing this telling you that its easy to do any of this.
As to be honest it isn’t it takes years of hard work and dedication to blogging, to reap any substantial rewards that would get you anywhere near the top bracket of income.
This is why in the next section I will give you an idea of what it takes to become rich from doing blogging.
How Exactly Can You Become Rich From Blogging
To become rich from blogging you need to do a number of things to get there.
As while I can tell you there are many bloggers around the internet who have become rich from doing so.
Its not easy to get there.
What I mean by that is there are a number of things you must have and be able to execute, to get to that position.
So in this section, without any sugarcoating, I will take you through all the things you will need to know in order to turn becoming rich through blogging from a dream to reality.
1. Not A Get Rich Quick Scheme
Creating a website is fairly easy to do and by using the right products like you can have one up in minutes.
However, what isn’t as easy to do, is build a website.
Building one takes time and effort.
Its not enough to just say, right I will just start blogging today and think hopefully by this time next week I will be living comfortably from it.
It won’t work, as blogging isn’t an easy thing to make money with.
Without the know-how and a good plan in place.
You will likely give up before you even make a cent.
Blogging is a long game.
And while there is plenty of money to be made it doesn’t come quickly.
You have to invest your time into it and build it up over time.
Now trust me when I say this, I didn’t even understand this myself when I started.
Back when I started at 17, which was over 5 years ago, I seriously believed it was going to be quick and easy.
I thought that simply writing a few posts on a site, would be enough to earn money.
And while I certainly didn’t expect to be rich within a week.
I did expect to be making some kind of money quickly.
However, for that first year, I made completely nothing.
This was pivotal because it really made me reevaluate blogging and what it is.
It made me rethink blogging completely, and realize that if I wanted to succeed with it.
That I would have to take the time to build it and ditch that attitude of trying to make everything fast.
As while us as humans, all want that instant gratification.
Its simply something you can’t achieve with blogging.
Especially if you are new to it all.
2. Blog With The Intent To Help Others Not Yourself
When I look back at some of my old content, I seriously cringe.
Why? Well because I wrote all my posts with the intent to make money and create sales.
Instead of trying to help whoever was reading my post.
One of the first sites I attempted was around Survey Sites.
Now for this site, instead of trying to educate my audience on these and help them make money with them.
I would just promote products that were not related or a good fit for them.
All for the sake of trying to earn commissions.
As you would imagine this never worked.
People saw right through it and knew that I was thinking more about sales.
Then trying to help them.
So as a result just like with the first point about time, I changed what I was doing.
I wrote content to help my audience.
Instead of trying to make commissions and would you guess I started earning money naturally.
Now while going into blogging with the mentality to become rich is not the way to go anyway.
Trying to either push sales or sell stuff for the sake of it.
Will almost definitely stop you from becoming successful doing this.
If you ask any successful blogger who has become rich from blogging.
They have achieved it all through helping their audience.
All the money has therefore come in naturally, as that trust has been built between the writer and readers.
3. Diversifing Income
As I mentioned earlier simply selling courses alone can make your rich.
Especially when executed properly.
However when it comes to blogging, its important to always be diversifying incomes.
For instance, if a blog you were running had millions of hits a month.
But you only chose to put ads on it.
You would be leaving a lot of money on the table.
To the point where if multiple income sources were set up.
You could be making much more than you are right now.
Its for this reason that this is key, as along with helping you build your income it gives you security too.